Let us custom build your dream boat!
Pedigree Cats, Inc.![]() Grainger Raku 60 Sail Cat There are various options available for the layout. Helm stations can be aft and outboard, or on the cabin Bulkhead as used by most of our cruising designs. There are several options available for the cockpit layout with a settee/dinette permanently mounted forward in the cockpit (best suited to the helm aft arrangement), or a table immediately forward of the seat which is built into the aft beam. In the salon and down below the accommodation arrangement will be drawn to incorporate the requirements of the client and provide a completely personalised space.
You can customize your new Catamaran with the layout you design. If you would like to move the kitchen, or make the living room larger, it can be done. The design would need to fit within the parameters of the hull and structural bulkheads. This layout features 4 cabins and 4 bathrooms. For More Information, email us at Info@PedigreeCats.Com Pedigree Cats, Inc. 1835 Ocean Avenue Raymond, WA 98577 | Fax (360) 942-2936 This site is maintained by KC Computers (360) 942-7575 |